Friday, June 10, 2005

Oracle Database 10g Release 1 (10.1) Documentation

Oracle Database 10g Release 1 (10.1) Documentation

ok, here's the motherlode of Oracle documentation.

Thursday, June 09, 2005

SQL Function Reference: SQL Server vs. Oracle

SQL Function Reference: SQL Server vs. Oracle

Here's a great reference for comparing MS vs ORACLE SQL syntax.

Frequently Asked Questions (about Oracle by Database Students)

Frequently Asked Questions (about Oracle by Database Students)

a good place to find answers to simple questions. -- An Open Source Repository for PL/SQL Developers -- An Open Source Repository for PL/SQL Developers

here's a great repository of OpenSource PL/SQL projects.

Using Oracle PL/SQL for Stored Procedures

Using Oracle PL/SQL

Here's a tutorial on writing stored procedures for Oracle.

What Causes Crashes

What Causes Crashes

As I suspected... Here is what causes car crashes!!



Here are my votes

Aaryn Phoenix, AZ

Blanche Mesa, AZ

Crystal Pt. Vedra Beach, FL

De'Lona San Diego, CA

Jesse Bowling Green, OH

Jessica Orlando, FL

Julia Chicago, IL

Kloey San Diego, CA

Michelle Brooklyn, NY

Michelle Levittown, NY

Tutorial: how to display flash movie (SWF) in Visual C++ application

Tutorial: how to display flash movie (SWF) in Visual C++ application

Here's a great little tutorial.

Person13 - Books, CD-ROMs, etc.

Actionscript Tutorials

Here's a site with many translations of the Actionscript 2.0 primer. As well as articles on oop in AS 1.0 and writing components in MX 2004.

HOW-TO: Make your own annotated multimedia Google map - Engadget -

HOW-TO: Make your own annotated multimedia Google map - Engadget -

Google maps are great. Very well written and you are actually able to do many things with it. A friend sent me this article, check it out.

Oracle Trigger Example / autoincrement

I found it here, (see inline below)

Here's a way to create a table in Oracle with a field set to auto increment. It's pretty simple but make sure you see the / after the end statement of the create trigger statement

/* trigger example */
/* written by Marcus Haebler ( */
/* before we create something we drop it */
drop sequence sqtest;
/* create a sequence */
create sequence sqtest increment by 1 start with 1;
/* before we create something we drop it */
/* drop trigger ... is not really necessary, triggers are droped with tables */
drop trigger test_trigger_trigger;
drop table test_trigger;
/* create our little test table */
create table test_trigger (
id integer primary key,
name varchar2(16)
/* create our trigger be aware of the / after the end;!!! It is needed */
create trigger test_trigger_trigger
before insert on test_trigger
for each row
/* insert primary key */
select sqtest.nextval into from dual;
/* make sure all names are upper case */ := UPPER(;
/* some testing */
insert into test_trigger (name) values ('a');
insert into test_trigger (name) values ('b');
select * from test_trigger;

CIS Oracle FAQ

CIS Oracle FAQ

Here's a great resource for Oracle information. My latest project is built on an Oracle database so I've got to brush up on it. You may see similar posting about other Oracle topics.